Forgiveness-Saturated Parenting
April 17th, 2014
"Just as forgiveness is the foundation of my relationship with my heavenly Father, forgiveness must be the foundation of my relationship with my children." What is it that is foundational to my rel... Read More
Parenting After the Fall
April 14th, 2014
"If your kids are going to see something modeled in you, let it be your desperate dependence on the grace of Christ every single day…" Parenting in LA is a unique opportunity. In this city, there a... Read More
Get Intoxicated
February 7th, 2014
"Cultivate a heart that chooses and waits expectantly for delight."From Augustine to DC Talk, Christians have long been advocates of the idea that love (or "luv", as TobyMac would have it) is a verb. ... Read More