We pursue this goal by providing:
- Teaching on Sunday mornings for younger children that is biblical, age-appropriate, and compelling
- Intentional multi-generational discipleship relationships for teens and pre-teens
- Support for parents, families, and community groups as they strive to disciple the children in their lives
We seek to train children to look upward in worship to Jesus, to grow inward in Christlike maturation, and to love outward with evangelistic zeal.

"Cornerstone Kids Ministry desires to see children transformed by the Gospel."
Sunday Mornings and Beyond
Below are the different ways we minister to children at Cornerstone.
Nursery/Family Room
Parents of newborns can drop their infants off in our nursery or utilize our family room where they can worship and watch the sermon together with their baby.
Once your little one is walking, they can be dropped off in the Toddler Room where they can play, sing, and hear a short Bible story.
Children who are 2 yrs. old and potty trained are welcomed to join our Preschool class where they play, have a snack, sing, and have a Bible story time.
Elementary children join the church congregation for singing and prayer. They are then dismissed to Jr. Church where they engage in Bible centered lessons and activities.
Youth (Life Groups)
Cornerstone youth are invested in through intentional, multi-generational relationships and discipled alongside their peers. Pre-teens and teens also have the opportunity to attend Youth Camp, spending time up in the mountains worshipping God with other youth, having fun playing camp games and activities, and hearing messages from dynamic speakers.
Cornerstone Kids Camp
Each summer Cornerstone's elementary school students and their friends gather for a week of fun, learning from God's Word, and celebrating the goodness of the gospel. The theme changes each year, but the message stays the same: the gospel of Christ is everything.