Our discipleship communities are the place where we learn and grow together. They are generally made up of 8-12 people who commit to deep relationships with one another. Each group is unique in its own way, but they all are places where we welome each other with love, learn more about God and the Bible, and help each other grow. It's more than just a Bible Study—these groups are designed to be a place where you are befriended, listened to, loved, and encouraged as we learn more about Jesus together.
Discipleship communities meet in a variety of neighborhoods all over the Westside, including Lawndale, Century City, West LA, Santa Monica, Culver City, Palms, and everywhere in between. They typically gather once a week, and there are groups available at a variety of days and times throughout the week.
Discipleship communities meet in a variety of neighborhoods all over the Westside, including Lawndale, Century City, West LA, Santa Monica, Culver City, Palms, and everywhere in between. They typically gather once a week, and there are groups available at a variety of days and times throughout the week.

“For this is the message that you have heard
from the beginning, that we should love one another.”
– 1 John 3:11
Two Ways to Connect to a Discipleship Community
Ask around!
One of the best ways people new to Cornerstone end up in discipleship communities is by meeting new friends and visiting their groups. We love when this happens, and this is how many of our groups develop and grow.
Attend our Intro to Cornerstone class.
This class is a great way to learn more about us, and is a path toward membership. At the end of the first session, we’ll work with you to try to find a group that’s a good fit for your schedule and location.
To start receiving our weekly newsletters, which include information about upcoming classes and events, sign up here.
To request specific information on the next Intro to Cornerstone class, fill out the form below to contact Joon.
To request specific information on the next Intro to Cornerstone class, fill out the form below to contact Joon.