There are times in everyone’s life when you need some help walking through a particular struggle.
Our Approach
Cornerstone Church equips its leaders and counselors to counsel and disciple biblically (from the entirety of God’s word) and compassionately (understanding the diversity of human struggle and experience).
Our goal in counseling is to help people meet the challenges of life in a way that honors Christ (1 Cor 10:31) and brings the greatest joy and satisfaction (John 15:11).
Our goal in counseling is to help people meet the challenges of life in a way that honors Christ (1 Cor 10:31) and brings the greatest joy and satisfaction (John 15:11).
We Counsel From the Bible
We believe that the Bible provides sufficient guidance and instruction for all of the issues of faith and life (be they behavioral, cognitive, or emotional). We also believe that God ministers the Word of God, empowered by the Spirit of God, through the Body of God (the church), and so we seek to offer compassionate biblical counsel available to all, and free of charge.
We Counsel In the Church
All of our counseling is designed to take place in the context of the local church. This does not mean that all of our counseling takes place at the church facility (some of it does, but much more takes place in homes, coffee shops, and restaurants across West LA). Instead, it means that all of our counseling takes place in the context of a larger Christian community designed to be the place where you can work out the long–range impact of your counseling in stable, loving relationships with other Christians.
All of our counselors are either certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, have appropriate biblical counseling degrees, or are presently in our counseling internship program. However, our counselors are neither state–licensed nor trained as psychotherapists or mental health professionals, and should not be expected to follow the methods of such specialists. For more specifics on the type of counseling Cornerstone offers, see our consent form.
All of our counselors are either certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, have appropriate biblical counseling degrees, or are presently in our counseling internship program. However, our counselors are neither state–licensed nor trained as psychotherapists or mental health professionals, and should not be expected to follow the methods of such specialists. For more specifics on the type of counseling Cornerstone offers, see our consent form.

Types of Counseling
We offer counseling for any situation or struggle. We believe there is no personal problem that is outside the scope of God’s word, and we want to walk with you and discover how the gospel of Christ and the Word of God apply specifically to your situation. Some of our most common types of counseling are listed below.
Counseling For Emotional Issues
Depression, anxiety, panic, violent mood swings, and many other emotional problems impact a great number of us every day. We believe the truth of God speaks powerfully and comprehensively to the many emotional problems we experience, promising hope in the midst of the darkness.
Marriage "Tune Up"
Many couples don’t think that their problems are serious enough for “counseling,” but they also know their marriage could really use a tune up. After a few years of marriage you can really benefit from going back to the foundational truths about marriage and identifying which ones (now years down the road) you’re having trouble applying.
Pre-Marital / Pre-Engagement Counseling
For those who are preparing for marriage, we offer pre-marital counseling with a trained couple in the church. We encourage couples to begin this counseling even before they are engaged, so as to have the time and opportunity to prepare for marriage without the added pressure of preparing for a wedding.
Crisis Counseling
Crises are caused by any number of different events, but when they happen, we need help processing and understanding what is going on. We offer counselors who can come alongside you and help you understand your own emotional responses and how God is working in the midst of the crisis.
Marriage Counseling
Sometimes our closest relationship can be the most difficult. All of us have marital problems that flare up and can cause significant pain and difficulty. We see marriage counseling as an excellent opportunity to invite a biblically–trained observer to help you understand your hearts and get you both moving in the same direction as you pursue Christ.
Recovery Counseling
Addiction of any kind can feel debilitating and hopeless, but we believe that God offers freedom from the bondage of slavery through Christ. It is our joy to walk with you out of any addiction, and provide a context in the church family where you can experience accountability and care.