A Word On (Bad) Words
February 25th, 2015
"...when our hearts are fully surrendered to God, there go our words."I recently discovered that one of my elementary school-aged kids had written a "bad" word in a journal. (Never mind the fact that ...  Read More
Smoke Screens And Divine Inspiration
February 20th, 2015
"At the end of the day, what many people are arguing against is not divine inspiration, but either the existence of God or the content of the Scriptures..."    Throughout the centuries the divine auth...  Read More
Christians Should Be Lovers Of Fiction
February 11th, 2015
"We should not fear literature, nor avoid it, but embrace it."    I am always surprised and somewhat heartbroken when I meet people who say they don't read fiction, or don't read at all.Even more surp...  Read More
A Home Redefined, Secure, and Eternal
January 28th, 2015
"I want to seek first His kingdom. I want to seek the city that is to come! I want to seek the things that are above, where Christ is. Don’t you?"    One of the most controversial topics I could write...  Read More
Seasons May Change, but God Doesn’t
January 21st, 2015
"The character of God can anchor us as we navigate anything that comes our way, but we must choose to believe in who He is. Too often we are distracted by all that surrounds us and we lose sight of th...  Read More
Look Forward To The Future Promise
January 14th, 2015
“... the Bible points us to something beyond partial enjoyment and tentative hope. Scripture points us forward, to a day when things really will change...”    In a previous post, I mentioned that New ...  Read More