The Good Work of Women, Part 5
September 21st, 2016
“When your vocational choices are limited by finances, it can feel like you are trapped, hopeless, enslaved. But God promises you a secure future with him that even the deepest pangs of this world can...  Read More
Letters to CWLA: Pastor Jim
September 20th, 2016
“You challenge me, delight me, encourage me, trust me with your heartaches and ask me for guidance. You are serious about growing in your faith. I love and cherish being one of your pastors...”    In ...  Read More
God and Money, Part 4
September 15th, 2016
True Contentment“In Christ, not only do we have everything we could ever need, but we are given freedom from the desire to be rich, we are given freedom from the love of money, and we are empowered to...  Read More
The Good Work of Women, Part 4
September 14th, 2016
“We can only work with willing hands when we have a deep trust in His sovereign hands.”    I have been so blessed to read the first three posts in this series. Meredith has presented a thorough look a...  Read More
Sleep is a Beautiful Act of Humility
September 13th, 2016
“Sleep is a beautiful act of humility.  When we sleep we are declaring to God that we can’t do everything we want to do. You can’t keep going. You are finite. You must rest.”    I’ve fought with my al...  Read More
God and Money, Part 3
September 8th, 2016
“Saving and debt are intricately related, and developing biblical convictions on both is necessary to being a good steward of God’s finances.”In the past two posts I discussed our identity as stewards...  Read More