Why You Really Need a Vacation
February 23rd, 2017
Family vacations are fun. They’re also important. Vacations are an opportunity to rest from work, reflect on God’s goodness, and spend extended time with family we love. All three of these priorities ...  Read More
Letters to CWLA: Pastor Matt
February 16th, 2017
“Through the ups and downs of life I pray that the constant reality for you is your experience of the love of God.”    In conjunction with our “Letters to a Healthy Church” sermon series, each pastor ...  Read More
Ask Your Daughter’s Boyfriend about Porn
February 6th, 2017
For years I’ve imagined what it would be like to meet a romantic interest of my daughter’s. Of course there’s always the jokes of sitting in the chair cleaning your gun, and then there’s the fantasies...  Read More
Everyone is Called to Orphan Care
January 31st, 2017
“It’s true that some people can’t ‘do that’ themselves—if by ‘that’ they mean take in a child in their current season of life. But orphan care is much larger than taking in a child. If by ‘that’ we me...  Read More
Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Pt 2
January 24th, 2017
In my first post I encouraged those who have never read Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his own words to read “Letter from Birmingham Jail.”In this post I’d like to give 8 reflections on this letter and...  Read More
Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Pt 1
January 11th, 2017
It has been almost 50 years since Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. One of the unfortunate byproducts of time is that the words of historical figures become less and less ...  Read More