Order of Service
March 30th, 2025

Come Let Us Worship And Bow Down (Hymn 227)

ADORATION: Encountering God
Call to Worship: Psalm 104:24-35
Song of Adoration: How Great Thou Art (Hymn 147)

RENEWAL: Dealing With Sin
Song of Confession: Just As I Am (Hymn 488)
Prayer of Confession
Scripture of Assurance: Ephesians 2:4-9
Song of Assurance: A Shield About Me/As The Deer (Hymn 709/548)
Prayer & Greeting

COMMISSION: Celebrating & Learning
Words of Welcome
Pastoral Prayer
Sermon: A New Preparation, Luke 3:1-14
Song of Response & Celebration: There Is A Redeemer (Hymn 308)
Benediction: 2 Corinthians 5:17

A New Preparation

Luke 3:1-14
The invitation to follow Jesus is a decisive choice of the will to turn from sin and embrace Him.
John the Baptist is sent in preparation for the Messiah's arrival. God's Word comes to Him in the wilderness and He preaches a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Baptism shows us that every inch of our souls needs transformation, immersed in the waters from head to toe. Repentance shows us that we need a decisive change of mind, acknowledging our sin and rejecting it. And forgiveness shows us that the goal of this change is a relationship with the God of the universe.

Application Questions

  1. Why is baptism so significant? Why is immersion important?
  2. How have you seen repentance as a regular pattern in your life?
  3. What are the ways you can grow in repentance – acknowledging and rejecting sin in your heart and life?
  4. How does the gospel speak hope to you in the midst of sin?
  5. Why must we preach the gospel to ourselves every day?

Weekly Announcements
March 30th, 2025

Wanted...by God: Cornerstone Kids Camp 2025
Monday, June 23rd through Friday, June 27th, 8:30am-12:30pm

CKC is a week-long event filled with music, games, crafts, skits, Bible teaching, snacks, and lots of crazy fun for children entering K-6th grade. Registrations are now open!
Volunteer Registration 
Cornerstone Family Registration 
Guest Registration 
Questions? Email Jeremy at jeremy@cornerstonewla.org.

All-Church Retreat at Ironwood
Friday, May 9th through Sunday, May 11th

Registration is open for our 2025 Cornerstone All-Church Retreat! We are returning to Ironwood, a camping ministry located in Newberry Springs, CA. Ironwood is a beautiful place to fellowship, meditate, enjoy nature, and have fun. Register today!

Women’s Event: Grateful in 2025
April 9th, May 14th, 7-8:30pm

Looking for additional opportunities to go deeper with other women? This discussion-based Bible study, using Lifeway Women’s “Grateful: Giving Thanks to God in All Things”. Join us as we study the biblical basis of living with a grateful heart and grow in our motivation to thank God in all things. Questions? Contact Nicole Austin at nicole@cornerstonewla.org.

Shine the Campus Day
April 12th, 9am - 12pm

Join us for Shine the Campus Day as we come together to tidy, clean, organize, and prepare our church for Holy Week and Easter! Questions? Email Mark at mark@cornerstonewla.org.

Holy Week & Easter Services
Easter is less than a month away, and we’ve got some wonderful services planned for Holy Week, including the return of our choir for our Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday services, a Good Friday service, and one big Easter Sunday celebration. Grab a postcard (or two), or share the digital postcard, and invite a friend, a co-worker, or a neighbor to our Easter Services!

Upcoming Events

Please note that all dates are subject to change.

April 5th – IBCD Care & Discipleship Training at Cornerstone
April 6th – Super Sunday
April 9th – Grateful Women’s Bible Study #1
April 12th – Shine the Campus Day
April 13th - Palm Sunday
April 17th – Maundy Thursday
April 18th – Good Friday
April 20th – Easter Sunday

April 27th – Cornerstone Youth Night

SUPER SUNDAYS (March 2nd, April 6th, May 4th)
1pm – Foundation Class: Walking in the World
1pm – Cohort: Introduction to Theology
3pm – Cohort: Rest
3pm – Super Sunday Kids