Cornerstone exists because of Jesus

Your story matters to Him, and His story matters for you

We’d love to show you how

Sunday Services

Join us as we gather each week to sing, learn, and celebrate

Our Beliefs

Learn more about what we believe and how
it shapes our lives

Latest Sermon

Listen to our most recent sermon and hear how God speaks into our lives and our world


Palisades Fire Relief Opportunities

Visit our resource page to learn how you can support
our neighbors and friends during this challenging time


Announcements and Events

Wondering what's going on at Cornerstone?
Check out our weekly announcements and upcoming events here


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Sign up now to receive Cornerstone Weekly
Our email bulletin of upcoming events, Cornerstone resources, and more

Join Us in English, Spanish, or Farsi

English Services

9AM Indoor Service
11AM Indoor Service

Español  Services

9AM Indoor Service
(Fletcher Chapel)

Farsi  Services

11AM Indoor Service
(Fletcher Chapel)

Listen to the Latest Sermon 

A New Savior

Merry Christmas! Jesus is born – the promise of God is fulfilled. And the contrasts are innumerable. A multitude of angels come to announce the birth of the Messiah – and they come to lowly shepherds watching sheep. Why? Because the story of Christmas is not about the glory of God in the highest but about God's glory coming to the lowest of low, because He loves us.

Subscribe to the Pastors' Podcast

From theology to current events to testimonies, the Pastors’ Podcast is a great way to hear more about the important things happening at Cornerstone and the God who makes us a family.